Pay attention to how easily foods wash away with water and avoid what clings to your hands, pans, and plates.

Unhealthy foods are often also foods that do not wash away easily with water.

Refined sugar makes foods sticky, and animal fats and man-made hydrogenated fat make foods greasy. Refined high starch foods can also be difficult to wash away, especially if they are allowed to dry.

By comparison, think about how quickly fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole raw nuts, and seeds wash off with just water. Feeling a bit sticky from eating watermelon or other fruit may come to mind, but if you think about it, that stickiness easily washes away.

It’s not universal, but it’s true often enough that it’s worth knowing and keeping in mind. Because refined sugar is never good for the body, and it’s the thick and greasy fats that don’t wash away easily that also stick to arterial walls, causing hypertension and increasing the chance of heart attack and stroke.